Custom Painted Fishing Lures

Revive Your Lures with Custom Bait Shop's Bait Refurbish Service

Are your beloved fishing lures showing signs of wear and tear? At Custom Bait Shop, we understand the sentimental value and effectiveness of your trusted lures, which is why we offer a specialized bait refurbish service. Whether it's fishing lure repair or restoration, antique fishing lure revival, or custom paint jobs, we've got you covered.

Our Services:

Fishing Lure Repair or Restoration: Is your go-to lure showing signs of battle scars from its encounters with finned adversaries? Our experienced team can breathe new life into your well-loved lures. Simply mail them to us with your specific instructions, and we'll assess the damage and discuss the best course of action. Our aim is to restore your lures to their former glory so you can keep reeling in the big ones.

Antique Fishing Lure Restoration: Antique fishing lures hold a special place in the hearts of many anglers. If you have antique lures that have lost their luster over time, our restoration experts can bring them back to life. Send us your vintage treasures, along with your desired specifications, and we'll work to preserve their authenticity and functionality.

Custom Paint Jobs: Looking to give your lures a fresh, eye-catching appearance? Our custom paint job service allows you to create a personalized, one-of-a-kind look for your lures. Share your vision and ideas with us when you mail your lures, and we'll make it a reality. From vibrant colors to intricate designs, your lures will stand out in the water and catch the eye of your target species.

How It Works:

    1. Complete the form below with your initial request. We'll provide our shipping address after initial contact.
    2. Mail your lures to Custom Bait Shop along with detailed instructions on the refurbishment or customization you desire. Our team will carefully assess your lures and discuss the best approach with you, ensuring your expectations are met.
    3. We'll provide you with a quote for the services based on the extent of work required.
    4. Once you approve the quote, our skilled artisans will set to work, restoring, repairing, or customizing your lures with utmost precision.
    5. Your revitalized lures will be returned to you, ready to make a splash in the water and enhance your angling experience.

      Please note that fees for our bait refurbish service are variable and depend on the scope of work involved. We're committed to ensuring your satisfaction and providing you with lures that perform like new. Contact us to discuss your refurbishment needs, and let Custom Bait Shop breathe new life into your cherished fishing companions.

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